
The Trackie's screen offers three different routes to take. Each one seems like it will take the same amount of time, but lead through different areas of the city. Some may be more dangerous than others.

The four cardinal directions are Zenithal, Nadirene, Chthonian, and Sidereal.

                |TRACKIE VER.11.6               Z    |
                |                             C ┼ S  |
                |                  ^^^          N    |
                |            ^^ ^^ ____              |
                |        ^^      ^/^   \     TARGET  |
                |         ^^^ ___/      ------  O    |
                |            /      ╔═╗              |
                |     ^^ ___/       ╚═╝    ╔═╗ /     |
                |       /        ╔═══╗╔═╗  ╚═╝/      |
                |      /         ║   ║╚═╝____/       |
                |     /          ╚═══╝/╔═╗           |
                |    |         ______/ ╚═╝           |
                |    |        /                      |
                |    X ______/                       |
                |    |                               |
>Take the Zenithal path
>Take the Sidereal path
>Take the Nadirene path